/ot/faeries/found another fairy
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Submitted By DarkAngelHarker
Submitted On Oct31/09, 22:18
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Her name Is Shronna. She is a Fairy Prissess with a grudge. Her family was killed and merded/eaten by a taribal demon. She deside to do after him and kill him.

As you can she see has already lost her main wepon and has been cut some.

The Demon sometimes likes to play with his food be before he eats it. Luckfuly he is full, but feal like playing with her some (if you know what I mean ).

So Shronna get to live and get some pleaser out of it, then to find out later she found out that her so called family hired the demon to kill her, her family was never dead. She had them removed from power.
Later she we back to the demon, thanked him not killing her, and went for a another round.

So I let you imagen want happens.

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