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Ychan - s - passion - 140996
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Submitted By Anonymous
Submitted On Jul12/20, 14:20
Dimensions 633x993px
File Size 251.06KB
Views 1634
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He's going to have to pay tax. In germany it's super hard to hide an income. It's not like in america where you could potentially manage to pay utilties and rent in cash, everything is done electronically. If you're clearly spending money but not reporting earning it, your ass is getting audited. Good luck explaining to the revenue service how you're getting thousands of euros deposited into your bank account without reporting it as an income.

He could potentially get away with simply under-reporting his earnings, but the dangers of that are pretty high compared to simply paying up.

I just saw this topic poped back up to see another start of a troll vs white knight fight but than i saw ONE line:

> I have an opinion, you have an opinion. Nothing wrong with that.

But sadly noone understands it.

YES, it is right if you have an opinion but NO, its not right to force your opinion on someone who "might" dont want to know or change his/her own.

If i as sample say i cant stand MDFs art and that he is a egoist and blah blah blah what ever else i could write here - this is MY opinion. If you think different, thats YOUR opinion. You dont have to say ME my opinion is bad coz you have another point of view to it - same do I have on YOUR opinion.

So again, if you guys would kindly think about it simply this way:

- If you dont like MDF, you can just stop watching his stuff, unwatch him on his pages and live your lifes without him happy after. You dont have to literally "search for a reason to rage up", you can just stop follow his every move, literally WAITING that he posts something only to look for something to get your jimmies get russled.

I did that as sample long time ago coz i give just a dang, its easier and why SHOULD i even fucking care IF i literally dont do it in the first place? Think about that for a fucking moment.

- I you DO like MDFs stuff and might praise him for what ever reason, good for you but you dont have to rub it into our faces. If you think he has the right quallity for the right prices and what ever, again, good.for.you. you dont have to proof US that he has the biggest dick online, you dont have to show us his 08/15 drawing of your rainbowgayass fursona and so on. Its good for you if you enjoy it and thats what counts the most. We just dont need to get it rubed into our faces like we SHOULD actually care about something we dont want to care about.

Srsly im sorry for this wall of text but this thread and posts and its comments, it got way out of hand. Im sure that the mods here gave it up long time ago coz they know: NONE OF THE OPINIONS ARE "RIGHT" - coz, easily, there IS NO "RIGHT" OPINION.

I hope someone kinda would take this srsly. I sure wrote my big fat ass off but if thats it what it takes to write a honest opinion down, thats the way it is. wish ya all a good day anyways.

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