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Ychan - s - passion - 140995
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Submitted By Anonymous
Submitted On Jul12/20, 14:19
Dimensions 1000x766px
File Size 660.25KB
Views 1112
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i agree with you here tbh but im sure in some days some white knight will mkae jokes about that, which is just sad bcourse you pretty much hitted the nail on the head.

Gotta love the community of a site thats entire purpose is essentially art "theft" trying to act high and mighty about someone charging too much. Lmao
Arts a luxury and 99% of artists charge way too low to begin with, tip for your commissions so the person drawing your double knotted horse cock gets to eat more than once a day.

That's the thing though, in order to charge more one thing above all else must change. Supply and Demand. Its the basis for all economies period.

I get it, you don't want to work for pennies, who does? But to try and justify prices that FAR exceed demand is economically not viable. If a few "prestigious" individuals pull it off, like the case here. There clients are more paying for the artists exclusivity. Meaning a perceived DEMAND for said works has increased from specific artists with a limited SUPPLY. If every artist in the community raised their prices to even remotely close to Miles here then the demand would dwindle, and the majority of commissioners would move elsewhere, if not dry up completely.

There are too many artists, and by extension artworks, for prices to justifiably be raised to any meaningful degree right now.

But, go ahead and raise those prices. See what happens. Supply and Demand.

On a quick tangent. The art theft here is more to do with an inability to pay every last artist, say on patreon, that i would like too. At least in my case. Even if they were to only charge 1 dollar, it adds up quickly. 100 artists = 100 dollars... cant do it. And there are far more than 100 artist that use paywalls. Usually charging 5 dollars each for the actual works. Id like to be able to support everyone that i follow, heck id LOVE to be able to just blindly throw 6k at a single piece of art, but that's not possible.

Besides I wouldn't even know some of the artists in the community without sites like this one.
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