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Ychan - f - monsters aliens fantasy creatures - 140549
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Submitted By Anonymous
Submitted On Jun27/20, 05:58
Dimensions 1124x1240px
File Size 384.07KB
Views 944
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She shushes me not to scream. But I am 2 spook. I get fear bonner. I blink my eyes, and there she is, grabbing my arms. She pulls them up and back, and pins me to the floor. It's too lat to scream now. Her fangs are too close to my face. She's locked on my eyes, and I dare not look away. She pulls my arms together, so she can pin them with one hand, and reaches down to tear off my pants with a strategic flick of her claws. I broke eye contact to watch this, fuck! I look back up, her bony face is in the exact same position as before. 2spoopy… For a split second, I feel something touch the tip of my ponos, which is now free and fully erect. Her eyes narrow. I feel a forceful, wet thrust. Then another. I don't need to look down, I can feel what's happening. Feels good man. But also terrifying. Her mouth slowly begins to open, and I freak out a little. I pull my arms, but her grip is like a vice. A long, tentacle-like tongue starts to slither from her mouth. It wraps tight around my neck. It's warm and slimy. It starts pulling me toward her mouth. The inside of her mouth is black, and I can see the back of her throat. One arm breaks free. I try pushing her away, but end up grabbing tit. She knew this would happen; she allowed this. The mouth draws nearer. I can smell her breath. It's about what you'd expect, like dog breath. Is this bitch trying to eat me? But she's still thrusting on my ponis? I freak out again anyway and pinch her tit this time. Hard. She lets out a slow moan. All the sensations are too much: the sound of the moan - distinctly feminine even coming from a monster, the dog breath, the feel of tit under my fingers, the feel of wet pussy, even the neck-constricting tongue (who knew). I am completely overwhelmed, and I coom. As soon as I let out the last of my load, she releases my neck. My head flops against the soft ground. I'm panting, catching my breath. I'm still inside her. She leans back putting more pressure on my hips. I can feel myself slide farther in. I twitch. She flops down beside me. We bask in the afterglow. She slowly reaches over. My arms now down at my sides, I turn my hand over facing my palm up, but she reaches past my hand? She places her claws on far side of my belly and… Why are you still reading this? You should have coomed when I coomed. You should have known things would just go downhill from there.
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