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Ychan - f - mt little pony changelings - 139168
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Submitted By Anonymous
Submitted On Jan19/20, 21:13
Dimensions 715x704px
File Size 224.93KB
Views 435
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I should have written this here first tbh.
I have received news that some of my content has been leaked to yiff party, and uploaded as an archive. To prevent this in the future, I'm setting up passwords for all patreon releases.

Now the pack archives will have a randomly generated password to them. Passwords will reset monthly, just like the links, or in the cases of password leaks. Passwords will only be obtainable through my cord server VIP channel, so you'll have to join the server. I understand that many of you may have social anxiety, but that's the exact excuse the leakers make up so often, so I got no choice.
This will make the pathetic thieving beggars easier to identify, and ensure that my supporters get the most exclusive and advanced content possible.

Speaking of content - the new update is coming on January, 20. Anthros will receive hand hooves, some new exclusive clothing, and on top of that - changelings join the pack! I also have news for SFW tier, but I'll announce them with the update
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