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Ychan - r - what converted you to furries - 134246
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Submitted By Anonymous
Submitted On Mar15/19, 08:09
Dimensions 422x669px
File Size 543.8KB
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the 2 Skunkworks artbooks (titled Skunkworks: Here comes trouble) from Jim Hardiman have been released since May 2017 already.
I didn't know this since it dragged on for so long before they got released so I lost track of it eventually, and now I missed their sale.
I've been looking around to buy them myself but it seems they're sold out I guess.
I already contacted Angry Viking Press (where they were sold) but I didn't get an answer. On their website it's still advertised on the main page but when you click on it you get other offers. I've then tried finding them online with the hope that someone had scanned them and uploaded it to the internet, but nope...
It's a long shit asking it here of all places, but does anyone know where I can still buy these?? I really want these.
And yes, I'm aware about his "reputation" here. Jim was a special kind of guy and I guess a troll sometimes, but I liked his art and his (basically crude) sense of humor, I don't care he had 10 different aliases or that he was a hypocrite or whatever else people thought he was. I just want his art books.
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