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Ychan - c - very sexy furries - 115931
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Submitted By Anonymous
Submitted On Sep4/12, 14:36
Dimensions 605x736px
File Size 50.09KB
Views 764
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>> #115928 Anonymous @ Sep04/12 17:29 : 
>> #115904 Anonymous @ Sep03/12 23:12 : 
>> #115899 Anonymous @ Sep03/12 18:24 : 

So a while back I made an adult furry game on RPG Maker XP. I've been playing around with it and made another.
Unrelated to the first, though the theme is still furry.

Keep in mind:
-I do this just for fun and don't have a team to iron out bugs and spelling errors (I'm not really a writer or anything, I just like to do these.) So expect to find spelling/grammar mistakes and bugs that I may have missed, though I guarantee you can play from start to finish because I've played through it many times.
-Right now there's only one full character story done, with others to come later + the epilogue(s) + less important character's randomness.
-The story and some of its dialogue is sometimes very sappy/cutesy/cliche' romantic, so prepare your anus.
-For those that had wanted me to make more character driven events in the first game, well, that's pretty much this entire game...mostly.
-Less sex (as of now) than the first since this focuses more on building up character's stories, though hot dickings is inevitable, and it makes it all the better for build up. Random naughty scenes with less important characters are still present, though (and more to come).
-Exploration is still a big thing, since you've got maps to roam about in.
-Most nonessential NPCs just chit chat about random crap and just serve to make places look more lively, but some might be important to the story sooner or later.

Anyway. Check it out:

-unzip the folder
-run the game file

It if doesn't run correctly you might need the rpg maker RTP, which installs to run rpg maker games, though it's not required. It's free and on the rpg maker main site. I included the direct link to it in a .txt document in the zip folder.

Have fun

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