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Ychan - f - my little pony - 115802
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Submitted By Anonymous
Submitted On Aug29/12, 04:49
Dimensions 700x840px
File Size 2597.87KB
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>> #115800 Anonymous @ Aug29/12 07:45 : 
>> #115796 Anonymous @ Aug28/12 17:19 : 

Two things I never understood that came about from the mlp community...

1) People who are so entranced by and absorbed in the fantasy of the characters that they actually imagine and obsess over them as if they were real... as if they were physical entities upon which they could project their affection and love, as if they were an emotionally-dependent partner or friend whom the person could forever comfort and compassion.

Are these people projecting their own loneliness? Are they so detached and distraught that this asinine fantasy is their only escape?

2) People who are so vehemently disgusted or offended by the fan community, people who get angry because they can't understand the fans of something they themselves don't like, to the extent that they go out of their way to create brutal and torturous imagery and scenarios like:
(link to different thread) and [pic related].

Are these people doing it because they enjoy the act of making an innocent creature/person suffer? Are they the kind of people who would have stepped on kittens or something as a child? Are they doing it just to fuck with the aforementioned neurotically obsessed fans? Is it really even necessary?

I'm in-touch with reality enough to like the show casually while not associating with the socially-retarded weirdos and not get personally offended at the haters and detractors... But both sides still leave me scratching my head.

and then there's DK, whom you can never tell is either speaking genuinely or just parroting any of the random shit he has encountered online over the course of his life... kind of like an artificial intelligence chat-bot regurgitating bits and pieces of all the stuff people have ever said to it.

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