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Submitted By Anonymous
Submitted On Nov13/11, 14:17
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Everyone tells their kid to go to college, no one tells them to make sure there are openings in your field, and project weather or not those openings will still be there in 4-6-8 years.

There are only so many librarian positions open for English majors, most people who wanted to be writers for hardcover news organizations are fucked.

Then you have commercial champagne stating there is a shortage of nurses and pharmacy techs because there is REALLY a shortage of people going to school for it, not that there are actual positions to be filled.

If predicting the future were so easy, the stockmarket would be child's play and no one would've lost their 401k to enron's bullshit.

Barebones fact- The market can crumble with the same predictability as a lightning strike, when a bare minimum good education for a specific field takes 4 years, it is easy for one of these unfortunate accidents to set you up working a job you could have got without a 15k+ debt.

The whole "Set up to screw you through education" is a big issue; for example if you owe student loans to the government and default even once, you can no longer service medicare or medicade customers.

Hospitals wont hire you because you can't treat a large section of patients.

Ergo, your 8+ year medical degree just turned into a huge debt, and you can't even keep a medical job because the government WANTS you to owe them money for the rest of your fucking life.

Yeah college...

First, parents and others try to hype it as a magical gateway to a great paying job that you must endure to matter in the world.

Second, we have shitheads like this moron- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYx7YG0RsFY

-telling people that college is a 24/7 party where you will have sex every day, drink lots and smoke weed and be a total party animal. It's been that way since Animal House.

It's no wonder people go, find it's not the magical thing they were told and then end up fucked over or just dropping out. That's not getting into it being expensive and probably not really teaching anything useful that you can't learn elsewhere(but without that bit of paper saying you went there no one gives a damn), and requiring you take a lot of classes that have shit-all to do with your specialty of study so they can squeeze more money from you.

No, then it's your own damn fault for not doing your research.
I know exactly what I'm getting into, how easy or hard for me it will be to get a job, how soon I can pay off my loans, ect. And you can't blame the changing for "openings in your field" either, because part of getting into a field is keeping up with how it moves and understanding that.

A lot of my friends graduated; some have jobs and have just about paid their loans off whereas others are in the burger flipping category, but that's mostly because they don't want to move out of their town to where they can get hired.

Either way, don't blame the government for your mistakes. Yeah it could be set up for you to fail, but the only reason shit like that even happens is because people don't do their homework. It is not the governments responsibility to inform an individual, nor does the "brainwashing" of telling kids you have to go to college make them unable of learning of that that entails.

Shit, you don't even need a loan, you can work your ass off and save for it yourself, or apply for scholarships or grants ect. Loans are never a necessity.

>> Implying one can research and divine the future with absolute certainty, better than extreme educated business men that are losing it all in the print industry.

>> Also implying that the government has no responsibility for purposely stripping away all consumer protections on student loans, and making them the most toxic loan one can take a risk on.
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