/r/orica art/orica art
Ychan - r - orica art - orica art
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Submitted By Anonymous
Submitted On Jan21/12, 19:31
Dimensions 1280x1024px
File Size 1219.5KB
Views 1953
Votes 10
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looking for any and all orica art - with some specifications.
1. has to be some kind of chick, or like an epic redo of the card
2. must be the art by itself. No already made cards please, just the art by itself. I'd like if it wasn't watermarked, but I suppose beggers can't be choosers.
3. lastly, no douple-posting please. look through and make sure someone else hasn't already uploaded the same version.

thanks in advance, and please don't say google or orica wiki. I've looked around a couple of days already, didn't find much. mainly looking for a good bewd image...but anything else is boss too. Here's a shining for your enjoyment. will upload more later...
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