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Ychan - r - furry sex dolls - 141782
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Submitted By Anonymous
Submitted On Aug11/20, 14:56
Dimensions 1600x1200px
File Size 194.21KB
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Sculptris works by subdividing areas of mesh you're working on, I'm not really sure how you plan to make paper models based around 3D models, but I think that with the level of subdivision sculptris provides, you won't be able to do it easily or use what you get from it as a guide.

Not sure what you really plan to do here otherwise I'd explain further.

I should learn to read! It should work assuming there aren't polygon restrictions. The models you make in sculptris will be very, very high poly. Export them as .obj files and import them to Pepakura. Assuming there aren't poly restrictions and Pepakura can make sense of the data, you should be good to go.

In my opinion you should use Blender's sculpt mode to help keep poly counts down so Pepakura doesn't give you any grief. As far as I understand, it's basically going to make a simplified and printable/foldable mesh based on the data you give it, and Sculptris may tip its scales because of the ridiculously high poly counts it makes.

If that is your target, do not even bother making details in the 3D model. I can't imagine any way of capturing them dutifully with paper folds.

The kinds of things it seems to produce aren't nearly as detailed as a beetle:

...Eh, maybe I'm wrong. Seems to do well with hard-surface models but doesn't seem able to do anything with organic models.
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