/r/looking for these vids/looking for these vids
Ychan - r - looking for these vids - looking for these vids
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Submitted By Anonymous
Submitted On Sep22/11, 01:31
Dimensions 640x368px
File Size 50.75KB
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OK guys.... I found these three looping flash videos on here a while ago. They all went for about 15 seconds and had this hot dragon in them, pic related, it's her. It's a screen cap because it'll take ages to upload the video on my connection. So I have some questions (PLEASE help guys, I've looked everywhere!)

1. Who made these? Source? Where to get moar?
2. The videos look like they were cut out of larger videos, because they're so short and they end in the middle of an action (not fluidly)... are they?

Any help is much appreciated. :3
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