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Ychan - ot - weird stuff - 140884
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Submitted By Anonymous
Submitted On Jul7/20, 08:09
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Well… I don't know what to tell you, with that rant the very loser teens and young twenty somethings will say. Along the lines of "TL;DR" and various insults to follow.

I was a "Furry" from 1997 till 2017 or so when patreon started making artist I like become gated out of no where. Money is nice but forgetting your original fan-base and throwing them under the bus ruined it for me.

The childish insults, the special circle jerking snow flakes who ONLY interact with people they know often times by cash and little else. Are the very reason you described is happening.

WE ( the older funny animal / furries ) … We're perceived the same way by many older furries back then. Except. I never acted like an ass to the writers/artist. I avoided "RP" shit and didn't know of much drama, until around 2002 or 2003. When "popular artist" started being jack asses to their fans or people who were fans of other artist who didn't get along.

Anyway. ( Weird writing this but it needs to be said ) … "When I was younger" unlike past generations of boomers. I…Like many in my age group, grew up with the shit young idiots use now.

I know how to join the various channels/discords/twitter and all the useless trash they use to orbit each other and all them like them, orbiting the same idiots over-and-over. ( As I grew up with it, saw it before they got off the bottle and their neglectful parents handed them an iphone. )

That is part of the reason these newer generation of 'trolling' useless garbage IS the fandom.

It's not going to return to what made you or me happy.

Let it become the 'Wal-Mart' everyone and their mother knows about.

Let it become ruined.

Let it be a lesson, that IF its new or enjoyable to you and small. ( Whatever the next 'thing' might be ) … Remember, what happened to this so called: "Community" and you can avoid it and be happier for it.
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