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Ychan - f - nekos nekos and more nekos - 38448
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Submitted By Rikuso
Submitted On Jan8/09, 19:54
Dimensions 1024x768px
File Size 374.06KB
Views 2612
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>> #38440 Anonymous @ Jan08/09 21:51 : 

>> #30871 Anonymous @ Nov07/08 02:47 : 

i dont understand, are you japanese it english? i hate it when people try to use both when they type or speak. and another thing, these are not "nekos" as you say, there cat girls. neko is japanese for cat, IT DOES NOT MEAN CATGIRL! things like that piss me off...aside from that though, not a bad bunch of pics.

technically a catgirl is a nekomimi

Technically I don't think it really matters. As for the whole thing about neko not meaning catgirl, it's much like the word cool. Cool, in definition, is a description of temperature. However, cool is now slang for something that's good or awesome. Hence, Neko is also used as a slang word and shortened version of nekomimi, which is much like saying "info" or "pic" and unless you do not use abbreviations ever in your entire life, you have no right to complain about other people using Neko as a shortened version of Nekomimi. And yes, neko is a word that means something else, but hence why it is also slang. So, unless you have never said "cool" or "Pic" then you still have no right to complain. Anyway, here's a NEKO (aka: Nekomimi) picture so that this post is worth something more than a retaliation.
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