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Submitted By Anonymous
Submitted On Feb22/12, 18:48
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Inspired by FireyFilly’s “The Taming of the Guards.”

End of passion play, crumbling away

Taste me you will see
more is all you need

Master of puppets, I'm pulling your strings

Boredom, the one inevitability that came hand in hand with being crowned royalty; I mean sure, it had it perks, like being waited on hand and foot and being the in the public eye all the time, but you did have a liberal amount of paperwork to attend to, and most of the time you ended up doing a heaping pile of nothing afterwards.

Today was a particularly dreary day; I needed to find something to entertain myself. Then all of the sudden, out of the blue, a particularly perverse thought came to mind, and I couldn’t help the smirk that it drew upon my lips.

I decided I was going to play a little game with the help; my only hope is that they enjoy it as much as I do.

The one thing about this game was that it had to be set to my exact specifications. Not in the sense that it was difficult to arrange, but everything had to function to a tee for me to enjoy this to the fullest.

I called to the guard outside my chambers and sent him on a little errand to collect five other guards from the barracks. Within minutes I had four burly, muscular, archetypal specimens; and one who didn’t quite fit in with the rest.

“Perfect” I said to myself as the obedient males stood statuesque before me, looking strong and free willed, but completely under my hoof.

Now came the hard part, I had to discern which one of these five fine specimens was going to participate in my little game. I already knew I wanted the scrawny looking one, he was a crucial piece to the puzzle, so he got a pass.

As the air filled with tension I just stared at the other four remaining contestants in silent deliberation. Eyes scrutinizing them, studying them, waiting for a flaw or imperfection to make itself known, they all remained relatively still; a frown crossed my face.

I had finally decided on two which seemed like they could be a hindrance to my plan. “You two on the end, you are free to go.” They bowed their heads in respect as I shooed them out, that left two candidates to face the scrutiny of the iron gauntlet.

I gave the two contestants the same stare I had given the group as a whole, that calculating, nit-picking stare, to weed out the weak link and reel in the winner. I had finally decided who I wanted to use for my game and excused the other gentleman from the room with a nod.

There were now two males left standing before me, one of them I recognize to be one of my elite guard; strong, resolute, and utterly loyal to the throne of Equestria. The other was relatively new addition to the palace royal guard. He was about a foot shorter than most of the other guards. He had muscle, but he wasn’t nearly as beefy nor as stoic, a shrimp among lobsters was a nice way to describe him.

“Congratulations you two, you get to be the contestants in my little game.”

The two males looked at each other, confused as they waited for me to tell them what was going on.

“First off, remove all of your armor and clothing.” The guards shared bemused glances as I put on the sternest face I could muster. Eventually they complied with my request and started disrobing, albeit a little torpidly for my tastes.

Once they were completely in the buff, I made my way over to the scrawny looking one and sat myself down beside him.

“Daedalus,” I called to the guard adjacent me and the stick. The walking beefcake blinked in recognition of his name. “Come here” I beckoned him; the guard did as instructed and sauntered over to my side.

“Face Tiberius and sit down.” The guard wordlessly carried out my orders and was now seated, face to face with his scrawny look-a-like.

“Good” I chimed. “Now,” I went up to Daedalus and whispered in his ear, I saw the expression on his face change to one of horror as I did so.

“P-princess, you can’t be se-“

I cut him off as my horn started to glow. He gave a startled gasp, eyes instantly snapping to the glowing protrusion then down his torso to his neither regions, fear replacing his surprise. No words needed to be exchanged in this moment; he knew that the last ounces of self will that he had left had just dimmed as my horn glowed. He knew that failure to comply with my every request from this point onward would spell disaster for his future love life. He knew insubordination was out of the question.

With a defeated sigh he turned toward Tiberius, eyes downcast while he spoke.

“Spread em kid.”


Daedalus, obviously wanting to put this degrading act behind him as quickly as possible, took hold of Tiberius’ knobby knees and slowly spread the other male’s legs for him, a frown glued to his lips as he did so.

“Daedalus what’re you-“

“Direct orders from the princess, sorry kid.”

I saw Daedalus shoot me a rather coarse look out of the corner of his eye, this served to pull a smirk out of me. I didn’t care how resolute he looked then, when I was through with him he’d be nothing but a sniveling slave begging for my cohort here to take him; the thought sent shivers down my spine, but I retained my composure; after all, I was still a princess.

Daedalus had one more brief moment of hesitation before he slowly began to lower his head into Tiberius’ crotch. Obviously confused about what was happening, Tiberius turned his head to the wise princess for an answer, but all he got was a shake of the head, a cold glare attached. This would served to silence any future inhibitions that Tiberius would have, a look that dared him to step out of line and try and interrupt her “game.” Tiberius knew that crossing the princess came with dire consequences, so he stayed where he was, and let the aversion to implied normalcy take its course.

The first touch of the serpentine invader on his virgin skin had Tiberius in a state of shock, which came hand in hand with waves of pleasure that shot up his spine and set his body aflame with need. He almost instantly shut himself off from what was happening outside of this room; what was happening to him right at this moment, that’s all that mattered to him, nothing else. Nothing but the head-rattling pleasure that he had been a stranger to after becoming one of the palace guards, the pleasure that made everything around him seem virtually obsolete.

Tiberius had his eyes firmly screwed shut, hooves finding their way to the back of Daedalus’ head of their own accord, applying a pressure ever so gentle, but still subconsciously goading the other pony’s head downward. Daedalus’ eyes were also screwed shut, but because he was determined not to remember anything from this scene he swore was just a bad dream. He kept telling himself that when he opened his eyes he would be asleep in his bed, next to his wife on a beautiful spring morning. Sadly, that was not the case. The only thing he saw when he dared to take a peak was the labored panting of a pony that was hot to trot and boring holes in the back of his head, silently baying him to continue his ministrations.

I didn’t doubt the level of derisiveness Daedalus most likely felt for me at this point in time, but things were going much to slow for my taste, I figured I’d speed things up. So with a quick spark of the horn I managed to get Daedalus to open wide and eat his food like the big boy I knew he was.

A grunt of surprise, a displeased moan and a moan vastly contrasting the other all followed suite; by this point in time I felt myself getting a little more than damp between the legs. I slid one hoof between my legs and began to rub my moistening clit, horn glowing all the while, keeping Daedalus firmly locked in place. I knew enough about how to please a man to know that no male like teeth with their blow-job, so I took the liberty of using my magic to keep Daedalus’ teeth out of the way while he worked.

Daedalus struggled vehemently, pulling back against the powerful tether the princess seemed to have on him, and after a bout of struggling he realized his attempts to escape were fruitless and succumbed to his fate. Daedalus’ tongue seeming to spring to life once he figured out how to end his torture and reluctantly run itself up and down the other male’s tool, eliciting light cursing from Tiberius.

I saw Daedalus’ tongue start to move and I knew he finally figured it out; struggling would get him absolutely nowhere. I could tell he didn’t like this in the least, but that was exactly what I wanted. I glanced over at Tiberius and it seemed he couldn’t hold out much longer. I went over to Daedalus, now lying prone on the ground; head still attached to Tiberius’ crotch, and put my mouth up to his ear.

“Looks like our friend here is reaching his limit, please indulge him.”

Daedalus’ eyes went wide at this and he began once again to try and obtain freedom, my magic stopping him in his tracks. Before going back to attending to myself, I took a moment to gaze into my captor’s eyes. Even with his mouth full of man-meat, the look in his eyes spoke volumes; I could tell that he despised me with every fiber of his being. I believe that if he had the power right then, he would’ve struck me down without a second thought.

“Oh, and Daedalus,” I mused idly; eyes closed and hoof moving rhythmically between my legs. “Try not to miss a drop; I do hate having my carpets scrubbed, the help can be rather rude.”

No sooner had I finished that statement than I heard Tiberius give Daedalus a warning that he was close to the edge. And not three seconds after that, Tiberius’ body began to violently twitch and spasm as he let out a long, low moan and came hard into Daedalus’ mouth. Unfortunately, Daedalus failed to adhere to my former request and let some of the baby making fluid splash out of the corners of his mouth and drip in messy runnels onto my beautiful importer carpet, it looks as though I would have to teach him to follow orders more closely.

When the spurts of baby gravy started to decrease in volume, I took a moment to admire my handiwork. Tiberius was exactly where I wanted him. Long gone was his meek and timid demeanor, transformed by the euphoric pleasure into the brolic, dominant male I so desperately needed for my entertainment; if only for this evening. And Daedalus; ah yes, Daedalus; Once the exemplary castle guard, a leader, a teacher, an archetype for future generations, reduced to a mere bottom bitch.

“Tisk tisk tisk Daedalus, look at the mess you’ve made. I think you need to be punished.

I used my powerful magic to un-hinge the poor slave’s jaw from Tiberius’s crotch. Now suspended in mid-air, I turned him toward me so I could revel in my partial victory. Maw dripping with the aftermath of an orgasm, head turned down, I tilted his head up so that I could look into his eyes. What I saw in his eyes was really quite amusing, unbridled hate and contempt for me, a hate that is reserved for terrorists, child molesters, and criminals of the most heinous crimes. All that hate directed at little ol’ me was quite astounding, and I must say, sometimes quite the surprise; but that was half of what I wanted, for them to be completely and utterly withered by the end of the game.

When I was done staring him down I turned him to my liking and slowly lowered him to the ground. He must’ve been confused at this because I saw him look up, but what he didn’t know is that I was far from done with him. With my horn still glowing, I pushed his front half to the floor quite forcibly, rear in the air, and jerked his legs apart, hiking his tail up rather harshly, exposing his virgin backside. I think he knew what was coming next because he then began to struggle, but as if remembering his earlier lesson in futility gave up and let his body go slack in defeat.

“Tiberius, come over here sweetie,” I crooned.

Tiberius rather languidly slithered over to my side and sat next to me, never once looking me in the eye, obviously regretting what he was just forced to partake in.

“Don’t look so glum chum,” I giggled, patting Tiberius on the back.

“Aww look at that I cooed and gestured to the ensnared pony in the center of the room. Tiberius let his gaze was carried over to Daedalus’ predicament, an apologetic look carried with it.

“Looks like someone wants to play, Tiberius honey, go play with uncle D,” Celestia giggled like a school-girl.

Tiberius began to get up from his position next to me, hesitated, and then sat back down.

I frowned at this and decided that this time; Tiberius was the one who needed a pep talk.

I got up from my position next to him and began to circle him like a shark stalking its prey, letting my tail glide along his face.

“You know Tiberius,” I trailed off in his ear. “Good little boys who listen to their mommies don’t get punished.” After I said this, I proceeded to make of show of readying my horn, it was only for effect, but I think he got the message.

Tiberius languidly shuffled off to the other side of the room, tail tucked between his legs. He stopped behind the half prone pony, took a last glance back at Celcestia, and climbed onto the back of the queen’s captive. And despite the iniquity of the act they were engaged in, and the discomfort the pony below him was about to feel, Tiberius was somewhat excited to mount Celestia’s prisoner, and it showed.

Daedalus felt a gentle prodding at his backside. He turned his eyes up at the other pony with an annoyed look.

“Can we just get this over with please?” Daedalus said in a downtrodden tone.

Tiberius was understandably apprehensive to continue following Celestia’s orders. They both stayed exactly where they were, the way the situation turned out relied completely on the Tiberius’ shoulders. Just then, both ponies heard a voice and turned their heads to the side, noticing Celestia staring at them, seemingly amused.

“ooh, looks like Ty here doesn’t need any help getting prepared.” Tiberius blushed at her statement, regret intertwined with his countenance. They both knew exactly what she meant, and it made her all the more hot under the collar.

“But you boys still look a little stuck; let me give you a hand.”

I once again used my magic to take hold of the situation, making Tiberius’ body glow as I took control of him. I could tell my magic was becoming hackneyed from playing puppeteer for so long. Making Tiberius step forward in synchronized order far enough to sink his meet into the bitch’s backside was hard enough, but I still had to keep the bitch pinned down, and the instant Tiberius penetrated him, he started struggling again.

It was hard enough concentrating on getting all of Tiberius in there, but every time the bitch struggled, I had to put more focus on him to keep him still. So it was no surprise that after a while, my tether on Tiberius slipped, and the preverbal rubber band holding Tiberius’ hips back snapped, sending his hips forward in an instinctual jackhammer, ramming his tool in to the hilt.

The bitch let out a scream of both surprise and pain as he was so quickly violated, with no care at all, blood leaking out of his pierced rectum. But Tiberius let of a sound of something quite different, complete and utter bliss. The tight virgin walls of the bitch’s rump constricting ever so tightly around his tool, massaging it with their indescribable warm and tightness, caressing every inch and pore was indescribable. His hips began to move of their own accord, a completely robotic movement that felt a little less than voluntary, but oh so wonderful.

Virgin skin met virgin skin for the second time that night. The dominant male’s hoofs had found their way to the bitch’s shoulder blades, pinning him down and freeing Celestia of her work. Now left to her own devices, she dug up her vibrator and was there-in occupied, moving the buzzing companion back and forth in a slow, practiced rhythm; not watching the scene unfold, but completely mindful of the mouse topping the cat in front of her.

Daedalus seemed to be the only one not experiencing immense elation at that moment, the opposite side of the spectrum would’ve been more exact; despite how tiny Tiberius was in relation to him, he was still packing quite an impressive arsenal, which felt way bigger than it looked. Daedalus felt like he was being split in two, like he was butter and the intruder inside him was a hot knife slowly tearing him apart. His teeth were clenched to the point of chipping and his muscles were tense beyond belief. He wanted nothing more than for this torture to stop; he would’ve given anything to make it stop.

Despite Daedalus’ vehement wanting of this night to be over, it didn’t seem to be in the cards for him. Tiberius had been at it for almost ten minutes and didn’t seem to keen on stopping any time soon. In fact as time went on, it seemed he gained increased ardor, his thrusts increasing in fervor by the second. If a passerby were to take a gander at his face, his expression would most likely paint the familiar picture of a dominant male breeding his bitch.

Daedalus felt the warmth of fresh tears welling up in his eyes, but he shook his head and willed them to stay put. He couldn’t let the queen; that bitch see him cry, that’s exactly what she wanted, he would at least retain an inkling of dignity.

His body was rocking back and fourth violently from the force of Tiberius’ thrusts, teeth gnashed together hard. Every time the thing inside of him pulled out, it felt like it was taking some of his rectal walls with it, his backside felt like it was literally burning. And suddenly, amidst all the searing pain and the degradation, he felt the oddest sensation…

It felt like someone had punched him inside his ass, only it felt…good. Scratch that, it felt more than good; it was nothing short of incredible. The invader slammed back in, and he felt it again, that pang of extreme pleasure mixed with the pain of the thrusts. Another body rocking thrust was delivered, and he felt the same pang of pleasure again, the pain was slowly ebbing away. A third thrust, and he let out an almost inaudible grunt of pleasure. Neither Celestia nor Tiberius heard it, but it came out none the less.

I decided to peak one eye open to see how my couple was doing, and I noticed something that brought a huge grin to my face. The bitch no longer looked like he was in pain. His mouth was now very slightly hanging open, his breathe becoming more ragged, his eyes half lidded. I also noticed was the bitch seemed to be pushing himself back into Tiberius’ thrusts, using the carpet as leverage to get Ty’s dick deeper into himself. And the final thing I noticed that solidified the bitch’s forced feminization, and gave me the most joy of all was that his tool was now out in the open and rapidly becoming hard.

“Well well, it looks like someone’s finally enjoying himself,” Celestia mocked, head becoming level with the bitch so she could stare into his half lidded eyes. He’d hardly heard her though, to him; she sounded as though she was under water, or talking to him from far away, he paid no mind to the gargled discordance of noise he’d heard.

But Celestia didn’t care if he’d heard her address him, no. All she cared about was that her plan was coming to fruition, Daedalus seemed to be adapting quite nicely to his new role as “bitch.”

The bitch’s moans began to crescendo at this point, obviously long past the point of saving face. This was only made more evident when shouts of “harder” and “faster” were blended with his ardent moans of pleasure, only fueling Celestia’s shit eating grin.

And Celestia wasn’t the only one affected by the bitch’s ardent outbursts. Every groan and squeak of pleasure that the bitch let out seemed to throw fire wood on Ty’s already blazing libido, driving him into an un-abatable frenzy of vehement thrusting; emitting feral grunts as he went, adding to his persona nicely.

Tiberius could feel himself quickly approaching the edge and attempted to warn his victim.

“Gonna…cum…soon,” he panted.

Once again, Daedalus was oblivious to the world around him. As far as he was concerned, as long as Tiberius kept doing what he was doing, he didn’t care about the inevitable flood coming his way; he didn’t care about anything else except his sweet spot and how good it was making him feel.

A couple curt thrusts later and Tiberius let out a bellowing moan, burying his tool to the hilt and the prophesied flood began to burst forth, coating the bitch’s insides in sheen of sticky white plasma. Inversely, those couple thrusts were all the bitch needed before he too began to let his dam break, letting out a particularly feminine moan as he came, splattering Celestia’s already ruined carpet with more liquid passion.

I don’t think the boys knew that I’d been pleasuring myself this whole time to them getting it on, I don’t think either of them even remembered I was there, but seeing them both indulging in each other so heavily and seeing Tiberius inseminate the strong male below him sent me right off the deep end and I came as well. I was proud of my little “experiments” at that moment.

The two remained there panting for what seemed like forever; Tiberius with his dick inside Daedalus, both sporting content looks. Tiberius’ tool was rapidly softening, and once it was soft enough, he extracted it from the bitch’s ass with a sickening pop, and fell back on his rump exhausted. Daedalus; also exhausted, felt his body go slack and fall limp on Celestia’s lush carpet, still breathing rather heavily.

After I recovered from my afterglow, I decided it was time to revel in my victory over Daedalus’ stubborn nature and cap off my plan. I gingerly cleaned off my coated hoof, trotted over to Daedalus, and lowered my head to meet his inert form.

“Did we have a good time?” I cooed at him, much like a mother would their baby.

He looked up at her downtrodden. He knew she’d won; he could no longer lie to himself. He knew from the beginning that resistance wouldn’t get him anywhere, and yet he still persisted, knowing that in the end, it would only make her victory taste even sweeter.

“Did daddy take good care of you?” I continued to besmirch his good name, it felt oh so good.

He averted his eyes from mine, I wouldn’t have that. This was the last phase of the plan; it had to go without a hitch. It seemed I would have to get a little rough with him. I began to use what little magic I had left to take hold of some very fragile objects near and dear to the languid form. I then twisted them just enough to emit a groan of pain to come from the bitch, letting him know I meant business.

“I want to hear you say it.” I growled softly, a bit of an edgy undercurrent to my words.

When he refused to meet my demands, my grip on his “treasures” only tightened, electing a louder groan of pain from the male.

“Say it!” I hissed, twisting his possessions more.

“Yes, I had a good time; he took really good care of me!” Daedalus croaked.

“Good,” I said as I released my hold on his little friends, my voice snapping back to its usual regality. “I'm glad everyone had a good time.”

The bitch watched her walk away, all the rebelliousness and hatred he had boiling up inside him for the past hour seemed to drain away the farther away she got. He felt like a bitch now more than he’d ever have in his entire life. It wasn’t the fact that’d he’d just been screwed by another stallion. It wasn’t even the fact that she had just manipulated and violated him for her own personal gain. It was the fact that through some misconstrued sense of honor, he was still loyal to her, and couldn’t bring himself to even utter a harsh word after all she’d put him through.

He didn’t know what was wrong with him, had he finally suffered a mental breakdown and gone crazy? Was he still under her spell, being controlled as we speak? Or was it something simpler than that? In some disgustingly morbid way, did he actually enjoy what had just been done to him? No, it couldn’t have been, he had a wife; kids for god sakes, any self respecting stallion wouldn’t enjoy something as brutal and demoralizing as that.

I got up and meandered past the two contestants and made my way to the towering double doors of my chambers, sitting myself in front of them with my back to the guards. I instructed them to come to my side, and for the most part they did as they were told.

Tiberius slinked to my side, head downcast, obviously regretting what he’d just done. Daedalus took a while to get to me but when he did I couldn’t help but grin as he finally limped his way over and sat down, hissing in pain when his rump made contact with the carpet.

Both of them looked dead inside, like they’d just come back from war and been forced to witness things that would make the sanest pony’s emotions deadened, and make them seem as a corpse to the rest of society. I took a moment to glance at them both, Daedalus I expected to have the deadened look about him; to be absolutely broken and unable to function. But Tiberius had gone up in the ranks of the lobster tank. From the shrimp the proverbial lobster king and he shared Daedalus’ countenance. This didn’t make any sense in my book. Oh well, I guess it can’t be helped. If I put Daedalus through any more he might just kill himself. This didn’t go exactly according to plan after all. Non-the-less I decided it was high time to let the guards go back to their duties.

“You are both now free to leave. I should warn you though; you breathe a word of what went on here to any other pony and I’ll have you executed faster than you can blink, understand?”

They both nodded, heads glued to the lush red carpet.

“Hurry up and leave, I have cleaning to do and must contact the maid pony at once.”

There was no further exchange between me and the two guards as they saw themselves out, Tiberius leaving first and Daedalus limping behind him. They both exchanged worn out glances with the guard outside before trekking solemnly down the hallway back to their quarters. I used my magic to close the doors behind them, quite a feat for how exhausted I was; and turned to face the sticky mosaic that was now dried onto my carpet. I sighed heavily as I called to the guard outside my door yet again. He moseyed into my room and I instructed him to go and fetch the cleaning lady.

He did as he was told and about ten minutes later I had a young white filly standing idly in front of the massive double doors of my chamber. I motioned for her to come inside as the door creaked closed behind her.

“Nice to see you again Jessica.”

“What can I do for you m’lady?” She spoke, loyalty dripping from her words.

“I need you,” I trailed of slyly. “To clean the carpet,” I said as I donned a devilish smirk.

The pearl pony knew all too well what that meant and bowed her head in submission.

“Yes your majesty,” she said dolefully and proceeded to go to work.
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