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Submitted By Anonymous
Submitted On Feb16/10, 23:14
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I'm really lost here. I saw this picture in a youtube slideshow. I completely forgot what video it was, cant find it in my history, etc... Basically, I can barely remember anything from the picture i saw for some reason, so Ill describe what I can:
Definitely a DAT ASS type picture. The shot was of her on her belly looking back over her shoulder, a bit like this pic here, but it was over her left shoulder, and the shot was taken more directly rather than at an angle.
IIRC, the girl was a yellowish color, and oiled up. I couldn't tell you what kind of animal it was... i'm pretty sure she was smiling. She was wearing a very small, black/dark blue thong... Very well drawn from what I remember, detailed shading/lighting, etc.

Okay, I'm sorry for posting such a vague description. I know its pathetic, but i'm DESPERATE to find this image again. If anyone has ANY idea PLEASE point me in the right direction, but right now I have NO idea where to look.
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