/f/fifi la fume (purple tiny toons skunkette)/this may seem unrelated but …
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Ychan - f - fifi la fume (purple tiny toons skunkette) - this may seem unrelated but …
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Submitted By Anonymous
Submitted On Sep18/12, 00:26
Dimensions 506x643px
File Size 32.84KB
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Source http://nyou.booru.org/index.ph [F](!) Download
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Once upon a time there was a cartoon named Vicky the Viking and in one episode (or two), he and his bunch even went to Native America. There they also encountered a skunk which they went right ahead to scoff at for being so little-widdle and stuff and for his handstand too. Then, when the skunk let loose, the gas it ripped had those very colors. Alas, http://youtu.be/y3Hs_NgnbzI?t=4m47s is the only available footage of this ;/

tl;dr: thatismyfetish.jpg
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