/s/calling all artists/calling all artists
Ychan - s - calling all artists - calling all artists
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Submitted By Anonymous
Submitted On Aug19/09, 13:27
Dimensions 500x585px
File Size 127.6KB
Views 3613
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Okay guys, here's the thing. I need a fursonia for my character. The issue? I can't draw for beans. So I'm asking any and all artists to draw up a white tiger for me, with black heardur [preferably straight] and violet eyes. I don't really care about what position she's in, through tastefully nude would be nice. And if you care to give her a friend, my boyfriend's fursonia is a sabertooth tiger. Please help me? I will be forever in debt of whomever takes up my challence. And of course, all the credit will be given to all of you who care. Feel free to put as much of a signature on the image as you wish to make sure that all the credit comes back to you. I'm counting on you guys.
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