Ychan - ot - e621 is going senile - 139719
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Submitted By Anonymous
Submitted On Mar24/20, 13:16
Dimensions 1335x565px
File Size 68.82KB
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I think they purposely didn't tried to get the world out there that much about the changes because they knew many would object specially to several of the default black list tags. Why they did this in the first place? well i think that's because they want to be PC and give a good impression to the "normie" world and many newcomers to the fandom that are dwelling into the porn, mostly because they are a business and they need to have a good image or else there could be a significant backlash from investors, soccer moms or SJW so they just want to put under the rug as fast as possible all that form of extreme and controversial porn specially CP aka "cub". But that's just my speculation.

Yes, I'm sure the animal dildo company that owns it is concerned about their public image.
Or, wild thought, maybe the idea that cub porn and the other blacklisted stuff is controversial only exists with the people into it. To the majority of people, it's not controversial, it's not stuff you should just stumble over. It should be content that you have to deliberately look for to find, because the majority of people really don't like that kind of shit. It's still there for you to find. It hasn't been censored. If it was censored it would no longer be available.

"…there is nothing we can do to deter you from this path"
we cant change your mind so lol ban

I bet you that if you asked to random people what is more objectionable, if a company that makes dildos in the shape of real and fantasy animal genitalia or porn of underage characters the great majority will say the porn, its a fact that such crap is very controversial, sex toys aren't as taboo as they were before. So yeah they want to protect their image and business.
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